Monday, July 15, 2013


Hello Family, another week, another thing to talk about.

So I so very wish that I had my camera cord with me because I have some great photos to show you.

This past week, the Stevens Creek Ward had 20 young chinese students (almost all girls) from Nanjing China staying with them as hosts, and so we made it a goal this week to meet a lot of them and teach them more about the gospel before they leave (which is tomorrow) so we got two appointments, one with the Hessels (who Helena is staying with) that have 13 year old Jane and 13 year old Tracy staying with, and the Jacksons with Cherry (13) Cathy (15) and Erika (16)

So we got to know 5 of these girls really well, some of them just don't care about religion at all, and some of them have their interest piqued a tad. So the most important thing was to get to know them and introduce a little of the Gospel to them while they are here in America for this short time, I really liked all of them, very nice girls, and the best part was learning Chinese from them. Young people Chinese is not something I have been able to learn too much. Cathy has the most odd Chinese accent I have ever heard, it's just very slurred and it at first was very hard to understand. I have all of their email addresses, and all of their QQ numbers (for those who don't know, QQ is basically just the most popular instant messaging service in China/Taiwan/asia/whatever)

So yeah that was plenty of fun, now onto what happened this week, Allen GOT A JOB! AFTER A YEAR! It was amazing, he attibuted it wholeheartedly to the Lord blessing him for learning more about the Gospel. His starting pay is 45k a year which is not bad for a Bachelors in Accounting. Eh? So we are so excited, he is ready to learn more, and the Lord for sure made sure he has no excuses for not learning more.

Howard was dropped as an investigator, he isn't going anywhere, and so we'll keep in contact but we're not making many more efforts to meet with him.

Helena is better than ever and progressing better than ever. I attribute this to being her friend, and not just a missionary, I invited her to the beach last week, and I invited her to all sort of things, and she texted us saying how grateful she was to be our FRIENDS. Also Julianna and Helena are becoming friends, that's always good when a RC and an investigator start being friends. She is going to China in 3 weeks, and we are going to ask President if we can call her while she's there and make sure nothing bad happens while she is there. We'll see. She said she will set a date this week (although she said that last week) so I made her a promise that if she didn't set a date, that things with her parents will not work out in China. I think she believes it's a true promise.

What else? Oh, so Sunday we got permission to watch "The Other Side of Heaven" with Helena, her friends Yvonne and Shelly (both from China) and two exchange students Jane and Tracy. They all loved it, and we made a better connection with all of them. Yvonne is interested in meeting with us, and was even comfortable enough to ask for homework help with her humanities class. So that was cool. I would have loved to help, but you had to watch a 10 min TV clip, and I couldn't have done that.

This week has been so fun, today I get to ride in a Nissan GT-R, and next week we may go to Santa Cruz again. We're working hard, having fun and getting things done.

Hope everyone is doing well, prayers on behalf of these investigators are appreciated.


Elder Sanchez

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